

Health & Safety Protocols

The coronavirus (COVID-19) is an illness that is primarily spread through droplets from person to person, although there is some evidence that it may also spread through contact with surfaces such as door knobs, light switches and other areas people commonly touch on a routine basis.

Some people who test positive for COVID-19 don’t exhibit symptoms, which means they could be spreading the virus to others without realizing they have it.

Because of the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 and how it has continued to spread throughout Mississippi, the Healthy At حوإ¼½م½م plan outlines strict protocols to follow for students, employees and anyone else planning to be at one of حوإ¼½م½م’ six locations.

Face coverings

The use of masks is optional.


    حوإ¼½م½م continues to encourage all employees and students to become fully vaccinated including boosters as warranted.

    MSDH recommends that all eligible students, faculty, and staff receive COVID-19 vaccination.

    Vaccination remains the primary public health prevention strategy to end transmission and allow for safe participation of in-person classes and sponsored activities. Mississippi colleges and universities should continue to promote COVID-19 vaccination for all eligible students, faculty and staff.

      Mitigating spread by contact

      • Washing and/or sanitizing of hands should occur each time, before and after, touching face or face covering.
      • Employees whose job duties require they often touch items belonging to others (such as credit, cards, receipts, mail, computers, etc.) should wear gloves that are regularly disposed of and replaced.
      • Interaction with and sharing of materials with other employees, students or visitors should be limited. For example, pens should not be placed on counters for visitors/customers to use. Everyone should try to use their own pens and other materials to reduce the spread.

      Temperature Checks

      • Please continue to monitor your health and follow our COVID-19 policies regarding reporting positive cases or COVID-19 exposure.
      • The college reserves the right to conduct temperature checks for employees and/or students if needed.
      • Anyone who has a temperature above 100.4 degrees or experiences COVID -19 symptoms should not return to campus or leave as soon as the elevated temperature or symptoms are detected.
      • According to the Centers for Disease Control, those symptoms include: cough, shortness of breath, fever, new loss of taste or smell, chills, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea.

      Protocol for elevated temperature and other symptoms

      Elevated Temperature & Exhibiting Symptoms

      Elevated Temperature & Exhibiting Symptoms

      Any employee or student who has an elevated temperature or exhibits the symptoms above should do the following:

      • Contact your healthcare provider immediately
      • Leave campus immediately or do not come back to campus
      • Complete the Healthy At حوإ¼½م½م Self Reporting Formآ (, )
      • May return to campus if symptoms resolve in 24 hours
      Positive COVID-19 Test

      Any employee or student who tests positive for COVID-19:

      • Not return to campus
      • Contact your healthcare provider immediately
      • Complete the Healthy At حوإ¼½م½م Self Reporting Form (, )
      • Self-quarantine for five days and return provided you are symptom-free for 24 hours.
      • Students and employees should wear a mask for 5 days when returning to campus after being out with COVID-19.
      • Neither students nor employees should return to a حوإ¼½م½م campus until given permission by the proper authority.
      24 Hours Fever Free

      Individuals can return from isolation after five days if they have been fever free for 24 hours and their symptoms are improving, per the CDC.

      Note: Protocols for nursing and allied health students may be different from other students. Those students should contact their instructors or program chairs for additional information.

      Social Distancing

      Social Distancing is not required.


        • حوإ¼½م½م is currently at 100 percent capacity for classroom and events.
        Academic Calendar

        View important dates on the حوإ¼½م½م Academic calendar for on-campus and online programs.

        Student Responsibilities & Self Reporting
        Students will be required to do the following
        • Complete the “Healthy At حوإ¼½م½مâ€‌ training in Canvas. This training is placed as the first module in all canvas shells.
        • Complete this training during the first week of their first course, including the acknowledgment that the training has been completed and that the student will abide by the guidelines.
        Positive COVID-19 Tests

        Any student who tests positive for COVID-19 should do the following:

        • Complete the Healthy At حوإ¼½م½م
        • Self-quarantine for five days and return provided you are symptom-free for 24 hours.
        • Students and employees should wear a mask for 5 days when returning to campus after being out with COVID-19.
        • Refrain from returning to a حوإ¼½م½م campus or class until given permission by the Dean of Students office.
        Employee Responsibilities & Self Reporting
        Healthy At حوإ¼½م½م Training

        All حوإ¼½م½م employees will be required to complete a Healthy At حوإ¼½م½م training through Canvas as part of their normal duties. All employees should complete this training. Included as part of the training are the following:

        • Protocols for informing the college of a positive COVID-19 test or need for quarantine due to exposure.
        • Guidelines for returning to campus after a positive test.
        • Acknowledgment of the guidelines.
        Positive COVID-19 Tests

        Any employee who tests positive for COVID-19 should do the following:

        • Contact their supervisor
        • Complete the Healthy At حوإ¼½م½م
        • Self-quarantine for five days and return provided you are symptom-free for 24 hours.
        • Students and employees should wear a mask for 5 days when returning to campus after being out with COVID-19.
        • Refrain from returning to work until given permission by their supervisor.
        Residence Halls
        Move-In Procedures

        Housing is taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of students. Students are assigned designated times for move-in, and restrictions placed on the number of a student’s family members allowed in a residence hall at a time. The designated move-in times will be communicated to the students.

        For housing-related questions contact reslife@hindscc.edu or call 601-857-3222.

        Fully Vaccinated Students

        All students regardless of vaccination status are required to produce a negative COVID-19 test prior to checking in.

        Athletics & Student Activities
        Increased Capacity

        Effective July 30, حوإ¼½م½م will convert back to 100 percent for classroom and events.

        Facilities Maintenance

        As part of the safety protocol for facilities, the following measures are being taken:

        • Cleaning of facilities and frequently touched surfaces and areas will be increased and performed routinely throughout the day.
        • All facilities will be fogged with a peroxide-based cleaner routinely.
        • Access to any contaminated area will be restricted for a minimum of eight to 12 hours. Disinfecting and a deep cleaning of the area will be performed prior to the area being reopened.
        • Hand sanitizer dispensers are installed throughout each campus.
        • The college is taking action to encourage social distancing through signage, spacing in classrooms, public areas and other high traffic areas. Public, gathering spaces on campus will be marked for social distancing or closed altogether.
        • Water fountains will be covered and marked “do not use.â€‌ Touchless bottle filler water stations are acceptable and will be available.
        • Vending machines will remain available for students and employees and will be cleaned regularly.
        • Elevators capacity will be limited to two passengers at any time.