Manage policies

Request a required minimum distribution


Follow the instructions to request a required minimum distribution.

In July 2024, the Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Department issued final and proposed regulations to address changes set forth in the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019 (“Secure Actâ€‌) and the Secure 2.0 Act of 2022 (“Secure 2.0â€‌) as it relates to required minimum distributions (“RMDsâ€‌). We suggest that you review these changes with a tax professional before completing this form.

  1. Complete form
    Complete the Required Minimum Distribution form.
  2. Submit form
    Return the completed forms with any required documentation via U.S. mail, overnight mail or fax to our service center.

    Postal mail
    حوإ¼½م½م Service Center
    P.O. Box 81497
    Lincoln, NE 68501-1497

    Overnight mail
    حوإ¼½م½م Service Center
    777 Research Drive
    Lincoln, NE 68521

    Allow 3 business days for faxed documents to enter our processing system.
  3. Allow 7 days to process
    حوإ¼½م½م will process the request within 7 business days of receipt of all required information.
  4. Confirm
    A confirmation of this change will be mailed to the owner's address on record upon completion along with a countersigned copy of the service request form.
ADMIN 5275

Required Minimum Distribution
[ADMIN 5275]
